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Anonymous – who? me?

Anonymous – of unknown authorship or agency; bearing no name.  [Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary]

I was recently researching reviews of some popular books that looked interesting to read. I was amazed to see out of the first 20 reviews only 3 had actually signed their names.  Imagine reading reviews signed Anonymous.

If it was a bad review I could sort of understand that signature. You really wouldn’t want anyone else knowing you really didn’t like this book, especially if it was by a predominant author. I guess you might not want to cause any friction with someone you know who really liked the book.

Yet, most of the Anonymous reviews were very good. They liked the book immensely. So why sign it that way? Don’t you want others to know you liked the book?

But, in all honesty, I have never written a review on this site. At least, not yet although I am planning on getting around to it one of these days. When exactly that will happen, who knows?

NOW THE REAL QUESTION! Are you Anonymous?

Do you feel like you are the UNKNOWN AUTHOR in your life? Do you feel like you are the bearer of NO NAME? Is it intentional or not? OR has life been such that you feel like you continuously Fall Through The Cracks?

THE BIGGER QUESTION! Do you want to be Anonymous?

I may feel like I “fall through the cracks” quite a bit in my life, but I am definitely NOT ANONYMOUS. I may be ‘shy’, ‘quiet’, ‘reserved’ or whatever you want to call it, but I am definitely NOT ANONYMOUS. I know I am not an “outgoing” person who attracts people left and right.

But I am who I am and if you don’t want to get to know me, it’s your loss. Sounds harsh, I know. But you can’t force people to like you. You either ‘click’ or you don’t.

God Almighty has found me worthy to be called to Him. To be His loving daughter and Sister in Christ Jesus to ALL His people. I am the bearer of His Name for I am His child. And for that reason alone I will never be Anonymous.

I am not a famous author known for my writing like so many others. I am not a famous evangelist like you might see on TV. I am not what you call a “Hero” in my community or known for my good works.

I AM a mother, a sister, a friend. I AM a human being that has to rationalize events to make sense of them. But in reality, it just confuses my mind. It gets me worried and doubtful to the point of an anxiety attack. Then I can even start questioning my trust in my Lord Jesus to see me through whatever it is I’m going through. (and right now it seems like a barrage)

Then I get mad because I let Satan “flick” his finger in my head to let these notions in. How can I be so foolish to let Satan take my peace with God away? How is that trusting God?

Enough of my ranting and raving. I probably sound like some sort of lunatic with it. I’m really not. Only sometimes.

A DEVOTED LIFE [another wordpress blogger] just wrote about “The War of Trusting God” – http://boyslumber.wordpress.com/2013/03/06/the-war-of-trusting-god-mar-6/ – I could hardly believe what I was reading today.

WHEN GOD SPEAKS, HE SPEAKS LOUDLY at times. And He definitely was speaking to me today as I have been berating myself for letting Satan poke his fun at me. Like I said, “How is that trusting God?”

This IS a Spiritual Battle that goes on day after day after day. All we can do is just put one foot in front of the other and trudge forward. One day at a time; One step at a time. Jesus has already won that victory.

I love dwelling in God’s peace. It is safe and secure for what evil could ever befall me that I don’t let happen.

I am a sinner, I confess. I believe Jesus Christ is the one and only son of God, he died to save me from my sin. I accept God’s grace so I may live with him in heaven one day. Lord, lead me closer to you day by day, step by step.

Everyone has a voice. No one is Anonymous. You can do the same thing.

May God Bless You with His Light of Truth

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2 thoughts on “Anonymous – who? me?

  1. I love it!!! All the best to you.
    C. Toni Graham,

  2. I am not Anonymous. I like people to know who I am!

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